Festival of Flight

Celebrating Innovation


ealizing that there was no formal celebration for aviation or the Wright Brothers accomplishments in the Dayton area, a committee was assembled to create just that. As an organizing committee member I was tasked with creating a website to represent the spirit of the festival, detail event specifics, create social media ads, and organize a system of communications between booth retailers and committee team members.

  • Strategy
  • Javascript
  • Google Analytics
  • User Experience
  • UI Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Git
  • Email Marketing
  • SEO
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustrator


Working with a team of designers we developed a brand and logo using inspiration from 1900 barnhouse font styling; the same style the Wright brothers built their first glider in. Working with the Space and Airforce museum and Wright Brother Archives, I created a variety of imagery that focused on the innovation the festival was set to capture. Taking the brand elements developed by the design team and my imagery, I created a custom Wordpress theme and set up hosting for the event. Working with a few volunteers doing A/B testing, I created a site that accommodated all users interested in the event. With the website in place I created a webform submission process behind a passworded section of the site for retailers to register to attend and sell their goods at the event. Using logic programming in the webform system, I created a pipeline dependent on the retailers submission information to make sure their submissions went to the correct peoples.

festival of flight mock up
Festival of Flight Homepage mockup to screen.
A and B testing of two different homepage designs
A and B testing of two different homepage designs.